sabato 10 giugno 2006

Omino Buffo

Era un omino soave, lieve dolce ed allegro ...
lo guardavi e ti metteva allegria, non tanto
per il suo aspetto, ma per il suo incedere
leggero nel camminare.
Sembrava quasi staccato da terra. Sembrava
quasi volasse.

I bambini lo guardavano e sorridevano nel
vederlo muoversi.
Era un omino, ed era buffo !!

I ragazzi erano più maliziosi, e spesso
lo prendevano in giro.
Lui non se la prendeva mai, era allegro
di natura e non gli
dispiaceva che, in un modo o nell'altro,
venisse comunque considerato.
Forse non se ne rendeva conto, o forse
nel mondo che lui vedeva non era
Era importante il pensiero, ed il suo
era lieto e leggero. Accettava tutto
ciò che arrivava con con piacere e
sorpresa. Pensare per lui, era come
volare ...

ed un giorno volò!

E volò così a lungo che non capì più
se fosse la sua fantasia a volare,
o il suo corpo.
Ma era poi così importante sapere,
capire? Non era forse la stessa cosa?

Omino Buffo è stato disegnato nel 2004
con pastelli a cera Caran D'Ache.

Il titolo si ispira al nome del personaggio
di A. Castelli "L'Omino Bufo".

I translate the text for friends visiting blog
outside Italy, hoping my English doesn't seems
so bad to understand. Apologize me in advance
about mistake.

He was a little man, light sweet and merry

Looking at him make yourself happy, not a
lot for his look, but for his light way to
walk. He seems detached from ground.
He seems quite flying.

Childrens looking at him, smiling seeing
movin’. He was a little man and he was
funny !!

Kids instead, were malicious, and often
they tooked it in turn.

But he didn’t mind about that, he was
naturally happy, and he was glad someone
considered him anyway.

Maybe he didn’t know about that, or inside
his world, it was not so important.

Thoughts were important, and his own was
light and merry. Everything coming was
accepted by him, with pleasuring and
Thinking by him, it was like flying …

And one day he flew!

And he flew over a long time span
therefore, that he did not understand
more if were its fantasy to fly, or
its body

But, was it then therefore important
to know, to understand ?
Wasn’t it, perhaps the same thing?

Funny Little Man drawn during 2004
with Caran D'Ache wax pastels.

Title was inspired by the character
"L'Omino Bufo" by A. Castelli

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